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Choose a name for the Guiana dolphins!

It is possible to identify Guiana dolphins using photo-identification. This technique allows the identification of each animal through photos of the marks they have on their dorsal fins, which result from their social interactions or interactions with the environment acquired throughout their lives.


Children of fishermen and fisherwomen from the coastal islands of Marambaia and Jaguanum - RJ, took part in boat trips for observing Guiana dolphins in the Sepetiba Bay between the months of July and August 2021. The project provided these children with the opportunity to witness these animals in their natural habitat, and they were responsible for suggesting names for the dolphins already photo-identified by the Guiana Dolphin Institute. All name suggestions were made available on the website and became part of a poll. The most voted names can be found in the link below. Check it out!

The "Guardian of the Sea" project is carried out by the Instituto Boto Cinza with the support of FUNBIO (Environmental Education Project). "The implementation of the Environmental Education Project is a compensatory measure established by the Conduct Adjustment Term under the responsibility of the company PetroRio, conducted by the Federal Public Ministry-MPF/RJ."

In this project, over 80 fishermen and their sons and daughters, residents of the islands of Jaguanum and Marambaia, are being trained to engage in community-based tourism as an alternative source of income generation, environmental education, and conservation of marine species in the region, especially the Guiana dolphins.


Your help is very important!

We are a non profit NGO and we have as mission to work in favor of preservation of Guiana dolphins and conservation of marine ecossistem, with social-environmental commitments. 

Since mid 2015, we don't have any sponsorship, and the continuity of our work is in danger. It's 20 years of reseach, which are at risk because of lack of resources. And the studies results about this Guiana dolphin population are very important for the generation of knowledge to creat protection policies for the species!

With a small gesture, you can save the Guiana dolphins too!

The community-based turism started in Sepetiba Bay as an alternative income to fisherman, hoping to decrease the high level of dolphin mortality in fishing nets. Know more clicking here!

The ECO Diary is a simple tool developed by the Instituto Boto Cinza that follows the principles of social technology and can be replicated by any social group. Get to know this too

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